| now in the shop 6934 products |

To find the right product

- browse through a Complete list and other sections.
- use the sorting, "style", "by", etc.
- use "Search" for any keyword
- just download the catalog in Excell format (useful if you have a "slow Internet")


Add product to cart and checkout

You can put in the basket any number of goods, and then proceed to the checkout with one click. Check out what is included in the order, and change it in the basket. There you will be able to know the exact shipping cost of Your order.
Then click on the "checkout".
Order processing will take place in four steps:
1. Authorisation / Registration. If you are logged in, this step is skipped. If not, log in. If you have the first time, click "Register".
2. Data for the service delivery. Enter or change data already entered. From the correctness of the data entered depends on the order will come to you or to someone else.
3. Data validation. Let's see if all right?
4. Shipping and payment. Select the method of delivery and payment.

Once you complete your order, your e-mail will receive a letter with details of the order and registration on the website (if you have been with us for the first time).



We work with orders on a prepaid basis. The payment method you choose during checkout. Follow the instructions and payment is successfully credited to your account. Once that happens, we will send you the records. Read more about payment methods, see "Payment".


Warranty and exchange marriage

We guarantee a reliable estimate of the quality of goods.
If for any reason you have received the order of inadequate quality, direct to our address email info@vinylpoint.ru a written complaint (name, order number, receiving date, please outline in detail the reason for refund or replacement of goods). The decision on return and replacement of goods will be accepted after the store of improper quality of the goods, in accordance with the Rules of trade of the Russian Federation.

We are not responsible for:
- delivery of the goods, if the buyer address is not correct
- the quality of the equipment buyer or careful handling of goods
- the work of third parties or intermediaries.



If you have any questions, please send them to info@vinylpoint.ru or call +7-499-745-07-99,+7-916-311-17-01